Hard Candy nail polish is back in our lives! And other ’90s beauty products we love

’90s babes, we have some AH-MAZING news for you. Your fave nail polish brand is back (for a limited time so make sure to snag a bottle!) and as colorful as ever. Hard Candy, the polish with the free plastic ring, will be making its debut at Walmart stores come April 25th. Best of all? Bottles will only be four dollars a pop, so you can basically afford the entire collection.

And while our brains are on ’90s beauty, here are some more of our most beloved products that remind of us of our youth. Our crimped hair, silver-eye-shadowed, Sketchers platform and butterfly clip wearing youth. Ah.

1. Love’s Baby Soft Mist

For awhile, it was REALLY COOL to smell like a baby. The ads for Love’s Baby Soft were creepy and Lolita-esqua (boasting mantras like “Because innocence is sexier than you think”), but we were sold already.

2. Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker

Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker was (and still is) beloved by every teen magazine since the ’90s. It’s everyone’s go-to for a subtle tint and shine, and who can resist smelling like soda?

3. Exclamation by Coty

Beauty bloggers have described this scent to be “powdery,” “sweet,” “granny-like,” and “sweetly floral.” But really we just bought it for the bottle, right?

4. Victoria’s Secret Pear Glace Body Splash

You were NO ONE until you came out of the girl’s locker room drenched with enough Victoria’s Secret body splash to make sure you permanently smelled like pears and seduction.

5. Sun In

Did this stuff work? I always tried making my own with lemons because my mom wouldn’t buy Sun In, and I just ended up with sticky, tangled hair that smelled like lemonade.

6. Mood Lipsticks

In the ’90s, there was “mood” everything. Mood rings, mood perfume (which I’ll get to), and just being moody in general. We were OBSESSED with moods. That is why we had every single mood lipstick—which, by the way, definitely did not indicate what emotion we were feeling. Still, it was fun believing it worked.

7. Bonne Bell Lip Shades

You were SUCH a cool kid when you busted this out and clicked it open to reveal your grown-up lipstick shade. Slightly metallic and purple-brownish, Lip Shades meant you had graduated from Lip Smackers. An absolute must for every 8th grade backpack.

8. Wet ‘n Wild Nail Polish

You had way too many Wet ‘n Wild nail polishes, so when they turned sticky from old age (i.e. one year), you didn’t cry about it or anything. For like a buck, you could get any color you wanted (dark, sparkly blues and greens were your fave, though). Their new Mega-Last line is actually pretty awesome, if you were wondering.

9. Art Stuff by Bath and Body Works 

Because lotion and glitter and soap should be fun and fruity and sparkly!

10. Bon Bons nail polish

You always got one of these in your birthday goody bag. They were only good for maybe two times, but Bon Bons had all the good sparkly colors!

11. Roll on Body Glitter

Just all of it. All the time. All over your arms and chest and cheeks. The amount applied doubled when you had a date with the 6th grade dance.

12. Candy Kisses Lip Balm

These little tins were always so on-point with their scent and their texture. They were worth cheating on your Lip Smackers.

13. GAP Om Perfume (or Dream, Earth, Grass, Day, Heaven)

Om smelled like earthy green tea, and had a totally hippy vibe. . .in that put-together GAP kind of way.

14. Revlon Street Wear lipstick

This lipstick was very essential if you wanted to look like you lived in the Big City.

15. Bottled Emotions

More ’90s moods, you guys! Bottled Emotions let the world smell your emotions, since seeing them was clearly not enough. You could wear “shy,” or “playful,” or even. . .”flirty” if you were feeling bold.

16. Neutrogena anti-residue shampoo

This was my first Big Girl Shampoo. No more L’oreal 2-in-1 shampoo in the shape of fish for me—I was moving on to bigger, better things! Also, I liked that Neutrogena had my name in it (albeit, spelled differently, but whatever).

17. Caboodles lip gloss

If you thought Victoria’s Secret lip gloss was sticky, then you forgot about Caboodles. This glittery concoction would stay put on your mouth until the end of time. Or, at least until your hair got stuck in it and absorbed all of its gooey powers. Caboodles lip gloss came in all kinds of fun shapes, like the word “POUT” and “CUTE.”

18. J.a.n.e. products

J.a.n.e. was Bonne Bell all grown up! They offered lipsticks and eyeshadows and eyeliners in mature colors, like browns and bright blues. You were lucky if your mom let you buy this line (because it was a LITTLE bit “out there”).

19. Chanel’s Vamp nail polish

And then there was Chanel “Vamp,” popularized by Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction and worn by ultra-chic women everywhere. It was—and still is—a classic.

(Images via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via)

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