9 hashtags that make us proud to be women
We have a little PSA for you: Today is Social Media Day. What does that mean exactly? It’s an Internet holiday to celebrate all the ways that social media has changed our world. Thanks social media! You can really thank social media, and honor the day, via the hashtag #SMDay.
One topic in which social media has really punched above its weight is on feminist topics. From hashtags like #FreeTheNipple to #EverdaySexism, social media has been a crucial part of the ongoing feminist movement and has brought so many people together.
We’ve been so inspired by the outpouring of empowering social media campaigns lately, we decided it’s time for a roundup. From fighting against street harassment to rethinking beauty standards, that little tic-tac-toe board has become a megaphone for women’s issues. The beautiful thing about hashtag campaigns is that they prompt people to join in the conversation and spread the word to the furthest reaches of the Internet. If you’re looking to dive into the world of feminist hashtags, or if you’re just hoping to be inspired in 140 characters or less, look no further than these cool viral campaigns. From the popular to the lesser-known, here are the hashtags that are taking women’s issues to the next level. Happy #SMDay!
1. #Fatkini
Trending today, this hashtag is part of a body-positive movement to prove that every body is a bikini body. Women of all sizes are using the hashtag to share beautiful images of themselves posing in the traditional two-piece. The idea behind the movement is to redefine the narrow standards of beauty and show that women of any size can be proud of their bodies.
2. #FeministsAreUgly This hashtag didn’t start out with such good intentions. But when the latest dose of feminist hate appeared on Twitter, women fought back by co-opting the hashtag and posting selfies to prove that all feminists are beautiful. While critics are fairly questioning whether the focus on beauty misses the point, responding to verbal shaming with a sea of proud faces is pretty cool.
3. #WomenShould UN Women started this campaign by exposing the Google search suggestions for “women should” to highlight the sexism still prevalent around the world. Twitter erupted with women posting the results of their own sexist search suggestions, which ranged in intensity from “women should be silent” to “women should be slaves.” The campaign illuminated how much more progress is needed on the Internet and in the world at large, if women are going to be considered equal.
4. #YesAllWomen This conversation erupted in response to the Santa Barbara shooting when the killer’s misogynist manifesto was discovered. It soon morphed into a debate about gender rights and the problem of everyday misogyny.
5. #banbossy Lean In (who also have their own hashtag #LeanIn) and Girl Scouts partnered to start this campaign, meant to highlight that when women take on leadership positions, they’re called bossy, when boys never would be in the same situation. With celebrities from Jennifer Garner to Beyoncé participating, it turned into a celebration of girls’ ambition.
6. #solidarityisforwhitewomen Mikki Kendall started this hashtag to call out white female editors who had supported a male writer who was awful to women of color, but it quickly grew into a conversation about all the voices of women of color that are excluded from mainstream feminism.
7. #FacesOfFeminism Last month, Jill Filipovic wrote for Cosmopolitan online asking, “Why don’t more people call themselves feminists?” The question turned into a viral hashtag of people sharing why they’re a feminist.
8. #NotBuyingIt #NotBuyingIt is a campaign started by The Representation Project to call out sexist advertisements. Tweets have successfully caused companies like Go Daddy to change their strategy, and it is always trending during the Super Bowl.
9. #Notjusthello This amazing hashtag campaign raised awareness about the devastating impact of street harassment. It began as a defense against this comment: “Ever think that maybe a guy sees a chick he thinks is hot and just wants to try to start up a convo?” But it mushroomed into a series of explanations for why cat-calling isn’t as innocent as it’s made out to be. It was an opportunity for women to express how they really feel when they’re approached by strangers, and ultimately, voiced a collective response to street harassers around the world.