This 8th grader just perfectly impersonated all of the 2016 presidential candidates in his graduation speech

Get ready for a glimpse of what SNL might look like ten years from now…

A Chicago-area eighth grader just impersonated all the major presidential candidates (plus the POTUS, because obviously) in his middle school graduation speech, and he CRUSHED IT.

Jack Aiello originally wrote his speech for a class English assignment. Teachers and school administrators reviewed all 350 speeches and chose three to be given at the graduation ceremony. Jack’s speech was one of the three chosen, and boy, are we ever glad.

Jack’s impersonations are dead-on, from Donald Trump’s outrageous self aggrandizing to Bernie Sanders calling for a cinnamon roll revolution in the school cafeteria. We’re in complete and total awe of this kid.


Jack’s parents told NBC in Chicago that he’s been doing impressions all his life, so it comes as no surprise that his hero is Dana Carvey. In fact, Jack’s dream is to one day meet Carvey face to face. (Why do we get the feeling that this is a definite possibility now?) Among his other dreams are one day taking over the POTUS position himself or becoming a comedian. His dad, John Aiello, says, “If you were to ask him what he really wants to do, he really truly does want to be president someday. He feels a great desire to be a leader. A politician or a comedian, which the lines do sometimes blur…He’s a unique 14-year-old, but a humble kid.”

Watch Jack in action in the clip below. And candidates, we’re thinking one of you really needs to get this guy on the campaign trail. Just saying.

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