These ’80s versions of Justin Bieber songs are pretty rad

There are only a few artists who can claim to be truly timeless, but has Justin Bieber just taken a step toward becoming one of them? Sure, he’s crazy popular right now. But how would he have fared in another era? Luckily, the wonder of the internet has just proven that Justin Bieber’s music can be easily tweaked to sound just like something that would have topped the charts in the ’80s.

YouTuber TRONICBOX took two of Justin’s songs, kept the melody but brilliantly changed the sounds of the song itself to make it fit the style of the ’80s pop. And it turned out, like, totally tubular.

From the synth sounds, to the piano key background, to the perfectly placed saxophone solo, everything about this ’80s version of “What Do You Mean” makes it sound like like it was plucked right off the 1985 pop charts. It’s crazy to hear Justin Bieber’s voice on such a retro throwback song (especially since he wasn’t even born until 1994). And the mullet-style picture rolling along VHS-style with the music makes it all that much more fun.

But TRONICBOX shows us that Justin would have nailed not only the past’s pop ballad style (I mean, like, no duh), but his music can also sound like the perfect ’80s anthem. Just listening to this version of “Love Yourself” makes you really feel like you’re taking a quick dance break while rewinding your The Goonies video before popping in some Back to the Future.

But it’s not just Justin’s music that still sounds gnarly (in the good ’80s way) with some simple changes. The genius YouTuber also changed up Ariana Grande’s hit “One Last Time.” And the only thing better than listening to how fun it sounds with the changes is looking at the amazing photoshopped picture of the singer that he’s created to top the whole thing off.

These are seriously so choice that I’m like spazzing out and may need to take a chill pill. Like, totally.

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