8 Life-Changing Lessons We’ve Learned From Dogs

In honor of National Dog Day, it’s time to pay homage to those wise four-legged masters of relaxation. Seriously, the furry ones in lives have taught us some crucial lessons just by being there. Here’s what we’ve learned:

1. Greet everyone with a kiss and a tail wag: Or just let them know you’re happy to see them (in a human way). Even if you aren’t having the best day, you can make someone else’s day by being all excited to see them.

2. Always have your best friend’s back: Loyalty is one of the best qualities out there. Look out for your fellow man (and woman) and you will receive the same in turn. Also a good back scratch is worth its weight in diamonds.

3. Sometimes a nap will make everything better: A little afternoon siesta is sounding pretty fabulous right about now.

4. A good walk can really make your day (and help clear your head)
: Walk away from the desk and step outside. A little sun and fresh air can help you gain some perspective.

5. Don’t let good food go to waste. Need we say more?

6. There’s always time to play: Fun for all!

7. Bath time is great (or not if you have a cat-like dog): A nice hot shower or soak just makes you feel refreshed.

8. After a long day, sometimes all you need is a good cuddle with your favorite people: Jump in bed, snuggle up and get ready for tomorrow!

It’s official: dogs really do know best.
Hastings Malone is the President of Southern Charm Communications, a lifestyle marketing firm. She is currently based in Atlanta, GA where she provides marketing, public relations, writing and event consultation services to her clients across the country in addition to freelance writing for several publications.

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