This 7-year-old dressed up as a “tired mom” and it is ON POINT

We know the jury is out on who won Halloween this year. But if we had to choose, the winner would be Lainie Griffin, the seven-year-old who went as a “tired mom.” A family friend posted a photo of Lainie’s Halloween costume on Facebook and the “tired mom” photo has gone viral — it’s been shared over 14,000 times so far. Once you see the photo, you’ll know why people are freaking out.

Lainie carried a baby doll in one arm, while another baby grasped her leg. And with the help of her mother, Jessica, Lainie completed her costume by wearing sweats (with baby spit up on them) and smudging makeup under her eyes to create dark circles.

Jessica told the Huffington Post that Lainie thought of the costume all on her own. And as a mother of five, Jessica knew just what to do to make Lainie’s costume uber realistic.

“Having five children at home, it gets expensive buying costumes from the store and they’re so cheaply made. We like to try to come up with ideas where we can make our own,” Jessica told the Huffington Post.

And this idea is truly brilliant. The family friend who shared the photo, Rachel Fansler Beachy said in her caption, “Someone give her what she’s earned. I’d say stretch marks, hemorrhoids, and a front butt….but a prize will be awesome!” The former will come in due time, but as for the latter — get that girl a trophy!


When HuffPost asked Jessica what inspired her daughter to go as “tired mom,” Jessica said it was most likely due to Lainie’s “motherly nature.” Lainie’s nickname is “mamma,” and the seven-year-old genuinely enjoys helping people. Her mother added, “She has an amazing heart!”

An amazing heart and an amazing imagination. Lainie just became our new hero.

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