7 healthy New Years resolutions that have nothing to do with numbers on a scale
It can be hard to develop healthy New Years resolutions, especially ones that aren’t all about losing weight. While there’s nothing wrong with trying to lose weight, it’s hard to desire that our culture as a whole is *obsessed* with weight loss, especially in the new year, in a way that is actually pretty unhealthy.
We want to focus more on being healthier as a whole, which means being good to ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally — and doesn’t necessarily mean counting calories. Because we’re so much more than how much we weigh!
If you’re on the search for healthy new years resolutions, we’ve got you covered. 2016 was rough, and we all deserve to take better care of ourselves in 2017! Here’s a place to start.
1Practice more self care, and refuse to apologize for taking care of yourself. Drink more water. Go to therapy. Take your meds. Take baths. Say, “No.”
2Cook more food at home, and with friends!
3Also commit to working to have a healthier relationship with food, whether that means no longer counting calories, eating more fruits and veggies, or recognizing that eating isn’t indulgence — it’s living!
4Nourish your interests, and embrace your talents, whether that means joining a band or learning to knit or lifting weights.
5Allow more time for the healthy things you *already* enjoy instead of forcing yourself to hop on the bandwagon and do what your friends like
6Get to know yourself by spending time doing what you love with yourself!
7And surround yourself with people who love you, enrich your life, and will help your reach your goals
Here’s to a happier, healthier new year!