7 all natural eco-friendly period essentials, because Aunt Flow wants you to save Mother Earth

Most of us agree that periods aren’t our favorite thing. There’s so much misery that comes with your period, but there’s also an opportunity to do something that’s pretty cool. You can save help save the planet with your period! Swap your usual period supplies with all natural eco-friendly period essentials, and you can really make a difference. Alternative period supplies are way easier to come by than they used to be, and we turned to Etsy for handcrafted products.

So why should you turn to natural period supplies?

According to Refinery29, on average you’ll have 396 periods in your lifetime. In other words, that results in 11,880 disposables. Like, woah. That’s some major damage, and the last thing we want is to harm the planet with our periods. Here’s how to help instead!

1. These adorable handcrafted fabric pads ($48)


2. This all-natural sea sponge tampon kit ($28)


3. And these reusable sea sponge tampons for any part of your ~cycle~ ($12)


4. And this one, which includes an adorable cotton bag to hold ’em ($22)


5. This succulent day pad, perfect for your plant-loving soul ($12)


6. And these totally beautiful floral pads ($15)


7. This adorable heating pad that requires zero electricity ($10)


Here’s to a happier, more eco-friendly period!

Thanks to natural eco-friendly period supplies.