This badass 6-year-old girl hacked into her mom’s phone to buy $250 worth of Pokémon gear

The great Pokémon craze is far from over. Earlier this month, a 6-year-old girl bought Pokémon gear by hacking her mom’s phone, The Daily Dot reports. While it wasn’t the most expensive in-app purchase ever, little Ashlynd Howell’s mom Bethanny was probably still peeved at seeing 13 Amazon transactions worth $250 on her account.

We’re not sure if Ashlynd received a lump of coal on Christmas Day, but her hacking skills definitely put her naughty side on display. So, remember that outbreak of “Touch” disease that happened this summer when iPhone users everywhere simultaneously freaked out about their touch screen features not working?

Well, let’s just say that the phone used in this crafty hack had absolutely no issues with its touch screen capabilities. Apparently, Ashlynd pulled the sneakiest move ever by using her sleeping mom’s finger to access her Touch ID-enabled phone and we gotta admit that this girl is beyond bold.

What’s even more hilarious is that Ashlyn didn’t think her thievery was a big deal. According to The Wall Street Journal, Ashlyn assured her mom that the impromptu shopping spree wasn’t an issue by saying, “But don’t worry — everything that I ordered is coming straight to the house.”

In the end, Bethanny could only return four of her daughter’s in-app orders, so we’re pretty sure Ashlynd spent the rest of the day like:

LOL. Kids these days are just tew much, you guys! Oof…so, that statement just made us feel incredibly old, which means we should probably go play Pokémon until we start to feel young again.