6 Predictions For An Unpredictable ‘Scandal’ Series

**Scandal Spoilers ahead! This post was written after Episode 312, “We Do Not Touch The First Ladies”**

Since True Detective ended, there has been a hole in my heart where Yellow King speculations used to be. In this difficult time, I have chosen to make some predictions about another show that keeps fans guessing: Scandal.

Scandal has never been easy to predict. While True Detective creator, Nic Pizzolatto, made it clear in interviews that 85% of what fans needed to know was right there in the first episode, Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes has routinely thrown curveballs our way. What political mess will Olivia Pope have to fix next? We are kept at the edge of our seat: luxurious white garments wrapped around our bodies, fragile, fish-bowl-sized red wine glasses balancing precariously between our nervous fingers.

So how do you predict an unpredictable show like Scandal? Wishfully, of course.

Here is my wishful thinking about how the remainder of Scandal season 3 will play out.

1. Olivia will tell Jake Ballard she wants to be with him for real but he will reject her because he’s in love with me now he is trying to keep her safe.

Nobody is on Team Fitz, right? Let’s be real. I sometimes theorize that Shonda Rhimes created the love story between Olivia and the President as a cautionary tale for young women who continue to date men who all their friends recognize are no good. He’s dismissive and selfish and kind of a terrible president. The only time Fitz seems “busy” running the country is when he’s brushing off his wife, Mellie.

So for this reason I am rooting for Olivia to finally own up to having feelings for Jake, leaving Fitz in her past. Why do I hope he’ll reject her? Sort of for the drama but also because I’ve come to respect the power of B-613 and I refuse to believe anybody in charge of that “snake” would be able to carry on a healthy love life. If Batman can’t do it, nobody can.

2. Lisa Kudrow will come back as Congrasswoman Josephine Marcus and give another epic speech on sexism in politics.

This time she’ll drop the mic.



But seriously… Harrison was secretly hooking up with her little sister daughter, Candace – a plotline that has yet to pay off. Does that not guarantee us the triumphant return of Lisa Kudrow by the season finale?

3. Lost little lamb, Quinn, will team up with former leader of B-613 and father of the “formidable Olivia Pope,” Rowan Pope, to get rid of President “Fitz” Grant once and for all.

Assassination attempts are nothing new on Scandal. Look no further than the shot heard ‘round the Twitter during season 2. And in the mid-season 3 premiere, “Ride Sally Ride,” Papa Pope made it pretty clear he intends to prevent Fitz from making it to the end of his term.

Sure, we’ve seen evidence that Papa Pope may be assisting in Vice President/Devil Vessel Sally Langston’s attempt to run against Fitz (Quinn stole security footage of Rowan talking to Langston’s adviser, Leo Bergen), but that seems like a pretty chill retaliation strategy for someone like Rowan Pope, right? Like he’s going to order for people to be tortured and killed one day, then beat Fitz with some good old fashioned hard work and campaigning the next? Nope – not Pope. I think he’s going to catch loner-Quinn while she is trying to spy on him, realize her value as part of B-613 and as a soft spot for Olivia, pull her back to his side and together they will do… something… evil. Personally, I hope the plan is to kidnap Fitz and fill in his eyebrows a bit. I just want to see what he’d look like with eyebrows!

4. Abby Whelan and David Rosen will run away together and buy a modest surf shop in Maui, where they will quietly settle down.

I love these two together. I want them to be okay. I want them to run away to a place where Abby can enjoy her wardrobe of endless wrap dresses in peace. Leave them alone, Shonda! Let them be happy! Don’t pull them into any more of these dangerous scandals! It makes me nervous!

5. Harrison will turn out to be Olivia’s brother.

This is my wildcard. I’m putting it out there. We know very little about Harrison, right? Suspiciously little, considering he was the first gladiator we met and his quick-witted, cool, collected personality is the one most commonly associated with what it means to be a gladiator. We’re definitely due for a big, Harrison bombshell before the end of this season. Something about seeing him with Adnan, his old lover/insider trading partner, and then finding out that she’s also teamed up with Olivia Pope’s fugitive mother planted this seed in my head and now I want to see that seed grow. Was Harrison always trying to get his mother out of jail, thus his connections to Adnan in the first place? Is Harrison being targeted by evil Mama Pope because Papa Pope had him with someone else? Is it all a coincidence? Six degrees of international fugitive and terrorist, Maya Lewis “Pope”? Maybe it’s just my thirst to know more about Harrison that is making my mind run wild but… wouldn’t that be cool? If Olivia’s protective, brother figure turned out to actually be her brother? Yo, Scandal Easter-egg hunters – drum up some evidence for me, please! I will pay you in favors, just like a real gladiator!

6. First lady Mellie Grant will find out what James is up to and give Cyrus the heads up. She’ll then let Olivia, heartbroken over Jake’s rejection, have a sleepover with Fitz so that Fitz will stop being so cranky all the time. Then she will take Huck’s leash while Olivia isn’t looking and sick him on Papa Pope, Quinn and Leo Bergen so that they can’t assassinate or paint eyebrows on Fitz – whatever their plan may be. And then she’ll have a hot, celebratory make-out with Andrew Nichols, her husband’s new running mate. Then she’ll cut it off because Mellie’s always got her eyes on the prize and a full-blown affair is not in her five-year plan.

Gawd. Does Mellie have to do everything around here?

What are your Scandal predictions? What’s this hyped up, OMG moment going to be? Is David Rosen going to wake up and realize it was all a nightmare? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQNQSnW5bjU

I think we can all agree that what we want most of all is for Olivia to find her footing, put her white hat back on and tell us where we can buy a set of those wine glasses. (Crate and Barrel?)

Gifs via scandalmoments.tumblr.com and Character Grades
Main image via Hollyscope

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