5 Yoga Poses to Master in 2013 from Elena Brower, Founder of Virayoga

In 2002, Elena Brower opened Virayoga in New York City, and what started out as a downtown refuge in the heart of the Big Apple now serves as an international hub for yoga and wellness with experienced teachers leading classes filled with students each day on how to practice yoga and meditation.

As much as I would love to take a Virayoga class, I lack a certain NY resident status or even just the ability to remember to squeeze in the time for a 90 minute session the next time I’m there. Luckily, I was able to get the scoop from Elena on what five yoga poses it’s time to master this year, whether you’re just a beginner or a pro at doing yoga. Best part of all? These poses can be mastered no matter what coast you live on!

1. Sitting meditation. For my family, teaching and relationships, to sit for at least 5 minutes a day is the most healing pose I can master.

2. Handstand, Adho Mukha Vrksasana. I’m always working on this and love it so much as a “reset” button on my body.

3. The “Ego Eradicator” meditation from Kundalini yoga involves arms up and out, with fingers curled towards the pads of the palms and thumbs extended with a straight spine. Along with Breath of Fire, this will help release stale air from your lungs and works on the ego while strengthening the sixth body. It feels like I’ve been cleared out each time I practice it.

4. Abdominal work. There are some core leg lifts that Yogi Bhajan designed for us that really help keep me grounded.

5. Shavasana. (AKA the corpse pose, where the body is allowed a chance to regroup and reset after stretching.) If I can take just a few minutes a day in this pose, my body feels better, brighter and more buoyant.

For more information on Elena Brower and Virayoga, check out her website!

Image courtesy of Tractenberg & Co.

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