17 “Reputation” memes that are making us LOL so hard right now

Many of us are waking up groggy this morning after binge-listening to Taylor Swift’s latest album, Reputation. The singer’s sixth album dropped at midnight last night, November 10th, and true Swifties stayed up way past their bedtimes to soak in the glory. And of course, only hours after the album’s release,  Reputation memes have begun to flood our social media feeds.

Maybe it’s our lack of sleep, or perhaps we’re just so giddily in love with the album, but these memes are making us LOL — for real.

Reputation ushers in the era of “New Taylor,” and New Taylor is kind of a badass. She swore in a song for the first time ever (Track 3: “I Did Something Bad”). She throws shade at those who have have wronged her (Track 13: “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”). And of course, she lays out exactly how she feels about her past relationships like no tomorrow (Track 9: “Getaway Car”).

New Taylor is a force to be reckoned with and we better get used to her.

And judging from these memes, Taylor Nation has no problem with their newly transformed leader and they’re welcoming New Taylor and Reputation into their lives with open arms — and with hilarious jokes.

1Before we all realized that Reputation and Spotify were never meant to be.

2Honestly, what even!

3Do not disturb.


4*Looks in wallet only to find a barren wasteland of crinkled receipts*




6Side note: When “reputation” was trending for a sec. Listen, we were all just too excited to check our spelling, okay?

7When our countdown app alerted us that there were only mere hours left to our wait.


8The album is so good that we’re ~literally~ dead.


9T-Swift is not backing down.


10We’ve been feeling like this all morning, TBH.


11We actually might be immortal now, too.


12She had to get her inspiration from somewhere.


13Did she just — ? Did we just hear — ?

14Bite your tongue, sir or madam.


15What can we do to become more like Reputation?


16She blindsided us and we’re actually totally cool with that.


17Some parting words of advice for anyone entering our personal sphere:

Enjoy, Swifties. Reputation was certainly worth the wait.

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