17 Mercury Retrograde memes that will help you laugh when you want to cry

Have you started to feel it yet? Mercury Retrograde begins on Friday, March 23rd. We’ve been looming in the retroshade phase for about two weeks now and things have already begun to go a little bonkers. If you’re wincing thinking about how Mercury Retrograde might frick up your life this go-around, these Mercury Retrograde memes might calm your nerves — for now, anyway.

Mercury Retrograde is an optical illusion that makes us humans think Mercury is traveling backwards through the night sky. This confusion affects us and our ability to properly communicate, so, if you can, avoid getting into arguments or written contracts during the retrograde period.

Travel and technology are also affected by Mercury Retrograde. Back up your electronics and keep that spare tire in your trunk. You might need it between March 22nd and April 15th — that’s how long this Mercury Retrograde period will last.

But rather than live in fear of the unknown that lurks in Mercury’s shadow, welcome the retrograde phase in with a laugh. We’re all in this together, after all. Share these memes with your friends who are just as pained with Mercury Retrograde qualms as you are.

Hold hands, drink wine, and rely on one another to get through the dark times.

1Rule No. 1:

2Please hang up and try again!


4Audrey gets us.

5“Fragile” doesn’t begin to describe our current state.


6When you need to snap out of the retrograde rut.

7Haha — it’s definitely just Mercury Retrograde, right? Right?

8Thanks. TTYL.

9A Mercury Retrograde prayer:

10Sorry, dears. Can’t help it!

11Everyone turns into Miranda Priestly during Mercury Retrograde.

12Leave us. We must reflect.

13Excuses, excuses!


14Everything’s going to go to hell anyway.


15Is it too late to make a U-turn?

16Merc, you alright?

17We love the last day of Mercury Retrograde like Kanye loves Kanye.

Guys, we’ll get through this. We always do! Go easy on yourself and others during Mercury Retrograde to better your chances of coming out the other side unscathed. We can do this.