17 hybrid dog breeds that seem too cute to be real

If you ever need a little pick-me-up, scrolling through unbearably cute dog pictures always seems to do the trick. And while we’ve never met a dog that isn’t totally adorable in their own unique way, here is a (short) list of some of the more unique (not to mention totally delightful) mixes we’ve heard of.
1. Affenpoo – Affenpinscher and Poodle
2. Aussalier – Australian Shepherd and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
3. Aussimo – Australian Cattle Dog and American Eskimo Dog
4. Ba-Shar – Basset Hound and Shar-Pei
5. Bichomo – American Eskimo and Bichon Frise
6. Boston Huahua – Boston Terrier and Chihuahua
7. Cockeranian -Pomeranian and Cocker Spaniel
8. Dashalier – Dachshund and Cavalier
9. Frenchie Pug – French Bulldog and Pug
10. Jatese – Japanese Chin and Maltese
11. Lhaffon – Brussels Griffon and Lhasa Apso
12. Meagle – Beagle and Miniature Pinscher
13. Pomsky – Pomeranian and Husky
14. Sharmation – Shar-Pei and Dalmatian
15. Shorgi – Corgi and Shih-Tzu
16. Yorkipoo – Yorkie and Poodle mix
17. Zuchon – Bichon Frise and Shih Tzu
And just like that, everything is OK again in this world.