17 Easter quotes that were made for an egg-cellent Instagram caption

Easter Sunday is best spent with friends, family, and a whole lot of food — and by food, we mean candy and chocolate. But this year, due to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) many of us won’t be able to travel to be with our loved ones. Our typical Easter meals might look a little bit different, too. That won’t change the meaning of the holiday, though. It’s meant to be a day to recount the story of Jesus’s resurrection, but most importantly, it is a day where we remember that one should never lose hope, even in seemingly dire situations.

If you’re thinking about posting a photo to Instagram to share your Easter well-wishes with friends and followers from afar, we’ve compiled some caption-worthy Easter quotes that will add a little spring to your Insta-step.

These cute, funny, and inspiring quotes remind us about the power of perseverance, and most importantly, to keep on going when even when we’re not sure how things will turn out. We hope they shed a little bit of light on your holiday.

If you’re planning on posting for Easter, feel free to borrow one of the quotes below to add as a caption to an Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter post. Your followers will be hoppy you did.

1This we must remember.


2This rings especially true this year.


3Indulging is definitely allowed.


4Check on your friends and neighbors this year!

5This caption is reserved for Peep-lovers ONLY.

6And we hope that somebunny gives us chocolate.

7Are we crazy if we say it’s stress-relieving?

8And I just can’t hide it!

9Haha, but seriously what’s with the ears? And the tail?

10Note to all of our friends:


11When you need a little bit of inspiration to keep moving forward.

12Go with your gut on this one (your gut wants the mini eggs).


13It’s also okay to get a little aggressive about doing so.

14We need all the bunny kisses.


15P.S. Candy and money are the motivators.

16And a few jelly beans in each pocket.


17Jesus! You nutty Messiah!


We hope you guys have an awesome Easter, no matter how you celebrate. Stay safe and stay home, and use this as a time for reflection.

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