13 Reasons Why Season 4 dropped a mysterious trailer, and fans are losing it

This post contains spoilers for 13 Reasons Why Season 3.

Ghosts? Visions? Omens? There’s a lot of uncertainty headed our way in the fourth and final season of 13 Reasons Why. The trailer for the Netflix original series just dropped on May 21st, and fans have a lot of questions. Everyone is dying to know (no pun intended) how things will wrap up for Clay and his haunted friend group.

If you remember, the end of Season 3 left us reeling when the gang framed Monty for Bryce’s murder, and Monty ultimately got killed in prison as an innocent man. Brutal stuff to have hanging over one’s head, which is why the fanbase is freaking out that there’s only a single season left to iron out all the blood-stained wrinkles in Liberty High School.

Um, after watching the 13 Reasons Why Season 4 trailer, it looks like more wrinkles will be made before any ironing gets done.

Showrunner Brian Yorkey told Entertainment Weekly earlier this month that he is certain this will be the final season of the teen drama and has no plans to take into future seasons.

“I’m always a little bit suspicious of high school shows that go beyond four seasons because high school is four years long,” he said. “It felt like bringing these characters to their graduation and to scattering to their next things felt like the logical ending point.”

Okay, sure. Understandable. But we only have X amount of episodes to stop “freaking out,” as Justin warns Clay in the trailer.

Fans are excited, confused, upset, and ready to watch now.


13 Reasons Why Season 4 hits Netflix on June 5th. Get ready for your heart to fully stop (several times).

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