13 Best Jennifer Lawrence Moments of 2013

If I could have a superpower, it would be the ability to say whatever I want in public without fearing the consequences, which is a fancy way of saying I want to be Jennifer Lawrence. Then again, who doesn’t? When your days are spent carousing around with Bradley Cooper and letting people give you makeovers, every other profession pales in comparison. The Hunger Games actress stole the spotlight in 2013 with her awkward charm and down-to-earth views on life. While everything that comes out of this woman’s mouth is as quotable as Mean Girls, I’ve attempted to narrow down this list to 13 points because “1,000,000 Best J Law Moments” would probably break the Internet.

1) When she spilled a bag of mints and tried to cover it up.

Small bags of candy were made to violently explode in public, a memo which Lawrence must have missed when she went to the Catching Fire Madrid Press Conference earlier this year. Although, I’m certainly glad she did because otherwise, the world would not have been able to see her deer-in-headlights face and graceful cover-up.

2) When she tripped on her way to accept an Oscar.

Walking in heels is hard enough, but imagine tacking on a heavy, flowing dress and a room filled with people that are watching your every move. Only Jennifer Lawrence could turn an embarrassing public stumble into a graceful and humble endeavor.

3) When she pointed out how ridiculous the media is.

On Good Morning America, Jen explained how she knew it was time for a haircut when “it grew to that awkward, gross [shoulder] length.” Little did she know that the media would explode with reports over her new “do,” many of which she believed were uncalled for. As she mentioned in USA Today, “terrorists probably knew about my haircut.”

4) When she revealed her thoughts on acting.

Lawrence, who graced the cover of Vanity Fair’s February issue, described acting in a way that might’ve made her PR representative cringe: “Not to sound rude, but [acting] is stupid… There are doctors who save lives and firemen who run into burning buildings. I’m making movies.” While I might not entirely agree, I think her ability to recognize and acknowledge the criticism acting receives is commendable.

5) When she snuggled with David Letterman.

After complaining that the studio felt cold, Jennifer requested a blanket and proceeded to cuddle up with the talk show host David Letterman without shame.

6) When she expressed the truth about parenting.

In an interview with Vogue, J Law theorized that “All mothers are a nightmare — I don’t think you can have children and not lose your mind.”

7) When she killed it as Katniss Everdeen in Catching Fire.

The “killed it” part wasn’t an intentional play on the movie’s murderous plot until I typed it out and realized how pun-ny it was, so I’m leaving it there.

8) When she discussed her views on fashion in Hollywood.

Never one to indulge too much in fashion trends, Lawrence told Entertainment Tonight: “I would call myself somebody who gets dressed by professionals. [It’s like], ‘Dance, monkey, dance’ right on the red carpet.’ I would call me more of a monkey.”

9) When she tackled weight issues in the best way possible.

In an interview with Barbara Walters, Jennifer made a solid defense against the media’s obsession with fat-shaming:

This is not the first time Lawrence has spoken out against body standards in Hollywood, and she can often be found searching for a bag of fries or pizza without regret.

10) When she “beat” Meryl at the Golden Globes.

Not physically, mind you. J Law doesn’t seem like the violent type. Upon accepting her Golden Globe for Silver Linings Playbook, Lawrence announced to the crowd: “What does it say? ‘I beat Meryl!’” Though many thought the young actress was mocking the Hollywood legend, in reality, she was quoting an old movie, The First Wives Club.

11) When she talked to Jack Nicholson and had this incredibly appropriate reaction.

I don’t know what’s better about this interaction: Jen’s response to Nicholson’s comment that she looked like an old girlfriend of his (“Do I look like a new girlfriend?”) or her follow up reaction (a silent “OH MY GOD” and facepalm).


12) When she noted how ridiculous the paparazzi really are.

In an interview with Vogue, Lawrence describes her thoughts on the paparazzi: “If I were just your average 23-year-old girl and I called the police to say that there were strange men sleeping on my lawn and following me to Starbucks, they would leap into action. But because I am a famous person, well, sorry, ma’am, there’s nothing we can do. It makes no sense.” I’m right there with you, Jen.

13) When she hosted SNL.

From parodying her own movie to fake “trash talking” other nominees, Lawrence nailed her SNL performance, but is anyone really surprised?


Thanks for the good times, J Law. Here’s to another fabulous year!

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