12 reasons we can’t wait for ‘Deadpool’

If you thought the 12 Days of Christmas was pretty cool, just wait ’til you hear about the 12 Days of Deadpool. He might not be gifting us a partridge in a pear tree, but that’s OK. The other treats he has in store for us are so much better.

Since nothing screams “Christmas!” like “Deadpool!,” every day for the next week, leading right up to the 25th, there’ll be a jolly new piece of Deadpool information released to the world. Saint Wade Wilson has so many treats in store for us, like new posters, video teasers, and yes, we’ll find a full-length trailer underneath the tree on Christmas morning. How did Deadpool know that’s exactly what we wanted this year?

Already a new movie poster has been released (it’s… typical Deadpool), and for day two instead of turtle doves, we got Ryan Reynolds himself posing with a giant Deadpool cardboard display. You might have seen them at your local movie theater over the last month; it’s very reminiscent of a Santa meet-and-greet. Because Deadpool is the “other jolly guy in a red suit with a lap worth sitting on.”

Excited for this movie yet? If not, there’s still a whole week left of Deadpool goodies to get you in the spirit. Here are just some of the reasons we’re excited already.

1. The 12 Days of Deadpool video sets the mood for what’s to come. If the whole movie like this, we’re sold.
