11 easy meals to sneak in vegetables (you won’t even notice ’em, we promise!)

Your mom tried to tell you. Popeye tried to tell you. You need to eat your greens! Most of the time, though, life gets in the way and we get preoccupied with more important things (read: we get preoccupied with carbs), and we fail to give our body the nutrients it needs. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2015 that only one in every ten Americans eats enough fruits and vegetables every day. Yikes. If that’s not a call to eat more spinach, I don’t know what is.

If you’re not a salad kind of person (hey they’re out there somewhere), you may be scratching your head thinking, How the hell am I going to fit vegetables into every single meal?! Well, worry no more, because you’d be surprised at how easy it is to sneak something green and nutritious into your lunch or dinner — or breakfast, for that matter. Thanks to some incredible food bloggers, all you have to do is follow an easy recipe and then eat to your heart’s content.

Here are 11 easy meals to sneak in vegetables.

1. Broccoli Linguine


Okay, everyone loves pasta, so you have nothing to complain about here. This recipe from Big Girls Small Kitchen allows you to sink your teeth into some classic comfort food while also scarf down some much-needed veggies. For those of you who hate broccoli, don’t run away from this one! You’ll hardly be able to tell it’s even there. Bonus: it only takes 5 ingredients to make this dish happen.

2. Veggie Enchiladas


A Cozy Kitchen brings you the remedy to boring veggies. Whip out this recipe on any weeknight you’re craving Mexican. It’s packed with asparagus, spinach, and peas, so basically it’s a triple threat of veggies. Besides, it looks positively mouth-watering.

3. Summer Vegetable Flatbread


By flatbread, Naturally Ella pretty much means pizza, and we’re not mad about it. This meal can double as easily for lunch as it can dinner, and it’s not very difficult to put together. (If you don’t feel like making your own dough, just buy a frozen pizza dough and cook it according to the package instructions.) You can choose whatever veggies you like, but this recipe calls for onions, red peppers, corn, and tomato.

4. Masala Cauli-Fried Rice


As yummy as fried rice from your local takeout can be, it can also leave you with a massive headache from all the preservatives and salt. Luckily, The Urban Poser has given you a great alternative: Masala Cauli-Fried Rice. The rice itself is made from cauliflower and the rest of the dish includes carrots, asparagus, and tomatoes. It’s a cinch to make and we’re pretty sure the leftovers will make for a perfect lunch.

5. Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts Gratin


Cheese pretty makes any vegetables taste delicious, and that’s precisely what’s happening with this gratin from A Cozy Kitchen. Brussels sprouts usually aren’t the easiest veggie to stomach, but this recipe will have you totally in love with them.

6. Minty Green Shamrock Shake Smoothie


Almond butter, banana, spinach, mint, and vanilla extract. That’s all it takes to make this creamy, refreshing smoothie that will jumpstart your morning, thanks to Love and Lemons. Plus, you’ll give yourself a whole heap of greens before you even get to work. Popeye would be so proud.

7. Baked Orzo with Eggplant and Mozzarella


Smitten Kitchen brings you a one-pan wonder that ticks off all the boxes. You get eggplant, tomato, carrots, and celery all in one, along with satisfying orzo and punchy herbs. It only takes about 40 minutes to bake in the oven, and as you can see, it’s a hefty amount, so you’ve got plenty of leftovers for the rest of the week.

8. Carrot Rice Noodle Bowl with Tahini Sriracha Sauce


When you’ve got a hankering for Asian, this noodle dish from Naturally Ella will satisfy you and fulfill a serving of vegetables. Toss in some extra fresh bean sprouts and chopped spinach for an extra layer of greens.

9. Spring Onion Frittata


Just as good for brunch as it is for a weeknight dinner. This recipe from Love and Lemons calls for asparagus, peas, and onions, all paired with protein-rich eggs. It’s outrageously easy to make, and don’t forget that pinch of red pepper flakes at the end. A little kick makes all the difference.

10. Buffalo Cauliflower Sandwich

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

It may look like a greasy burger, but this vegetarian sandwich is made entirely from cauliflower, so you’re getting dynamite taste with a healthy serving of veggies. Hot For Food Blog shows you how to make this buffalo cauliflower concoction, which is sure to knock your socks off.

11. Sriracha Honey Lime Glazed Brussels Sprouts


We’ve already agreed that anything with Sriracha in it is worth our time, right? Okay then, meet Brussels sprouts, your new favorite vegetable drenched in Sriracha. The Brewer and the Baker refuse to believe that this vegetable can’t be made delicious, so they’ve given you this wonderfully easy recipe, and you’d be a fool not to try it.

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