The greatest things that ever happened on ‘Twin Peaks’
If you’ve been on the internets lately (or, you know, specifically my Instagram) you probably know that a new season of Twin Peaks was announced for 2016! Showtime Network here we all come! WOW BOB WOW! Amidst the joy of this announcement is the over year-long anticipation. We now live in a world where we are EAGERLY AWAITING new episodes of Twin Peaks. * cue “A Brand New Day” from The Wiz *
This is perhaps too much for me to handle so I’m going to go back and revisit the 10 greatest things that ever happened on Twin Peaks:
1. Dale Cooper’s Words of Wisdom
Special Agent Dale Cooper, as portrayed by Kyle MacLachlan is not only handsome but one of my personal life coaches. He has so many gems I got part of one tattooed on my wrist!
“Harry, I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.”
“Harry, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it; don’t wait for it; just let it happen. It could be a new shirt in a men’s store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot, black, coffee.”
“Gentlemen. When two separate evens occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object in inquiry we must always pay strict attention.”
“In the grand design, women were drawn from a different set of blueprints.”
2. Sheryl Lee Being Asked to Play Laura Palmer’s Cousin
Obviously this was done to keep Sheryl Lee working because she was so great but I just love stuff like this so much. Laura Palmer is murdered and rather than miss out on this actress we get a brunette version of her in her cousin, Maddy. Love.
3. The Characters
Okay, this is a catch-all for the amazing capital C characters in Twin Peaks. [Insert some USA Network joke here]
The Log Lady
Dr. Jacoby
4. The Murder Investigation
One of my favorite sequences of any TV show ever, is when Agent Cooper is starting the investigation into Laura’s murder. He throws a stone at a bottle when a name is read and if it hits he takes the name into consideration as a suspect. It’s simple and perfect and I could watch it forever.
Which brings me to the SCARIEST moment in TV history. And I’m not alone in thinking this, I know.
I ACTUALLY CANNOT WATCH THIS SCENE. It terrifies me to no end and even mentioning it while home alone is giving me the creeps.
6. There Was a Fish In the Percolator
Enough said.
7. Leland’s Hair Suddenly Turning White
And him singing “mares eat oats.” Similar to Sheryl Lee coming back as Maddy I love this indication of a change in Leland. Such a similar thing (to change someone’s hair color) but so affecting and great.
8. Josie’s Soul Stuck in a Door Knob
This is one of the weirdest things that happens in Twin Peaks and considering it’s a “weird” show overall, that’s saying something. Poor Josie, she has a rough life then dies and her soul in imprisoned in a door knob. Rough stuff.
9. The Giant
The Giant is actually one of the first things I knew about Twin Peaks if only because of the reference to him in The Simpsons.
10. The Red Room
I mean, this is why we’re here, guys. The Red Room. See you in 25 years, indeed!
(Dale Cooper image Bob image via, Josie pic via, image via and via)