10 Creative Ways To Enjoy Your Mac And Cheese

There’s something so comforting about macaroni and cheese. Whether your childhood longs for the kind Mom made from scratch or if you’ve still got the blue box blues, a good spoonful of mac and cheese can definitely make a bad day better. Or, it could turn a good day into an award-winning day.

However, since mac and cheese is such a simple dish, there are a variety of different ways you can satisfy your noodle craving while still feeling like an accomplished chef. Here are a few ways to create a pretty innovative dish. Click on the links to get the recipe, so that you can create these masterpieces tonight.

1. Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese

Just saying it out loud might confuse you, but with some thought, it makes perfect sense. After all, cheese goes well with everything. Even wings.

This recipe mixes two kinds of cheese – blue cheese and sharp cheddar. This recipe has a breaded topping on top, if that’s the way you prefer your macaroni. After some prep, all you’ll need is 20 minutes of oven time before pure enjoyment begins.

2. Mac and Cheese Ravioli

Double stuffed pasta? Why, of course. This recipe actually requires you to cut your mac and cheese up in adorable tiny squares, which is kind of tempting to eat by itself. But have patience, grasshopper. The final result will be well worth it.

While this recipe requires some overnight chilling and some homemade pasta-making skills, the key ingredients are likely things you already have in your house. These are guaranteed to be a huge hit at a party, so the time will definitely be well spent.

3. Mac and Grilled Cheese Sandwich

That’s not the sound of your heart stopping – it’s merely your heart fluttering. (But seriously, I wouldn’t eat these every day if you love your heart.)

For the person who thought a tomato was a daring addition to their grilled cheese, think again! The sandwich, which was made popular by the Grilled Cheese Truck in Los Angeles, is a great portable way to enjoy your favorite dish. It’s best enjoyed while every component is hot.

4. Mac and Cheese Pizza

It’s a no-brainer. Cheese on cheese? Carbs on carbs? It’s like the sandwich, but just a tad bit more fun and tomato-based. Plus, think about all of the toppings you can experiment with. Pepperoni? Spinach? Sausage? They all compliment mac and cheese. The possibilities are endless!

This specific recipe has you making your own dough, so it’ll help you feel less like a college student that can only access a half-decent microwave.

5. Deep Fried Mac and Cheese Bites

If you’re not fond of Paula Deen, I’m sure you can find an alternate recipe (as this one is straight from her kitchen). If you don’t really care about the chef and do care about inhaling a bunch of cheese, let’s get started! After you’ve cooked the macaroni, this recipe only takes about 20 minutes, so you can fry a few cubes up during your lunch break if you want.

6. Mac and Cheese Tacos

When you’re thinking about tacos, you might be thinking about the time you went to Taco Bell and bought 90 tacos at 2 AM. Because you could. Then, you might be thinking about the immediate regret. But what a crazy night, right?

Not only are tacos ridiculously easy to make at home, but you can create a taco that has yet to hit the Bell. Yep – I’m talking about the Mac and Cheese taco. In your face, Dorito Taco. This is more comforting!

This recipe uses mac from scratch, but includes a packet of taco seasoning that you can find at the grocery store. While they use green onions to top their tacos, you can be adventurous and try sour cream or salsa.

7. Mac and Cheese with Chicken and Broccoli

While it looks similar to your typical pasta salad, it’ll surprise you with its taste. This recipe uses both Fontina and cheddar cheese, as well as a pound of boneless chicken breast and – of course – 2 heads of broccoli cut into florets. By using whipping cream, you can guarantee that it’ll be rich and delicious.

8. Mac and Peas

If you like the idea of having something green in your macaroni and cheese, mac and peas could be a good solution – especially if you’re low on time. While my husband and I frequently make mac and peas at home, we’ve gotten even lazier than the recipe above, by using Kraft. What can you say? It’s cheap and filling.

The recipe linked above is actually vegan. They don’t even use cheese, yet it still looks pretty darn delicious.

9. Macaroni and Cheese Pot Pie

This recipe comes straight from Chef Boyardee. And he’s never steered me wrong in the past. In fact, I trust that man with my life.

This recipe includes nacho jalapeño peppers and broccoli (which seems like a natural pairing for mac and cheese, based on these recipes. Perhaps broccoli and mac & cheese is the next peanut butter and jelly.) Using pepper jack and cheddar, this recipe will take about 40 minutes to make.

10. Macaroni and Cheese Meatloaf

Meatloaf was among one of my least favorite foods growing up – eventually, I grew to tolerate it. Who knows what might have changed if I was introduced to the mac & cheese variety as a child.

It seems simple, really. Just mash the macaroni in your ground chuck, and mix the cheese in with the other ingredients. While it doesn’t look the greatest, I’m sure if it was on The Taste, Anthony Bourdain would give it a pass. Looks aren’t everything, and that includes food.

Have you tried any of these recipes before?

Image Credits: , Pot Pie, Meatloaf, Featured

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