10 Best Tweets About…The Snow!

This one goes out to all my homies back in Boston and, well, everywhere outside of LA, who understand the perils of snow. I can remember when I was in high school, eagerly sitting by the TV, waiting for a snow day update.

Then, just as the news alerted us about our brief holiday, my Facebook newsfeed would flood with posts as if the sky was snowing diamonds. There were always some gems and some posts you knew had been sitting in that status update box since the first snow flake fell, just waiting for its moment to become relevant.

So, this week because of the terrible weather back home, I bring to you some of my favorite tweets about the latest storms.

See something you are just dying to share? Well, I can’t post it unless I see it! Send your favorite tweets to me @origToriqua or [email protected]! They just might make it into the next gallery!

Featured Image via my dad

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