10 Best Tweets About…Ryan Gosling!

So, I’m sure most of you heard the news: Ryan Gosling wants to take some time off. I KNOW! Like WTH, Ryan?? Not cool. Luckily, I had you all to help drown my sorrows. The Twitterverse had a lot to say about Ryan’s “retirement” and a lot of interesting facts to share. (Did you know JT’s mom was Ryan’s legal guardian when they were on The Mickey Mouse Club?)

Surprisingly, there were a lot of people on Twitter asking who Ryan Gosling is. REALLY, WORLD? It’s Ryan Gosling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Others shared their disapproval of his relationship with Eva Mendes… or Longoria or Emma Stone. He’s apparently in several relationships, according to Twitter….

It was hard to pick, but I snatched up 10 tweets that I loved about Ryan and his future! Trust: there were so many great ones that you should probably search for yourself!! But in the meantime, here you go!

See something you are just dying to share? Well, I can’t post it unless I see it! Send your favorite tweets to me @origToriqua or [email protected]! They just might make it into the next gallery!

Featured image via GQ.com

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