10 Best Tweets About…’Real Housewives of New Jersey!!!
The bitches are back, y’all!! If you weren’t tuning into The Real Housewives of New Jersey last weekend, it better have been your cousin’s bat mitzvah because it. was. UNREAL.
I love anything Real Housewives, but NJ is one of my faves because it is so real and true. I’m not kidding. I’m Italian and I think this show stole scenes from my real life. The families are loud and crazy and holding grudges against the men for marrying a stripper. Feels like home, you know?
As much as I love watching reruns of the Real Housewives (they’re always on), nothing makes me more excited than brand new episodes. I mean I know it will end in the most ridiculously loud (and possibly violent) reunion, but I am still so down for the ride.
What’s better than the drama of Real Housewives? The live tweets, of course! So keep them coming and I hope you enjoy the 10 I picked this week.
Send us your tweets @HelloGiggles and @origToriqua! We love to hear your voice!